domingo, octubre 17, 2010


...If there was only something between us
other than our clothes...

The heart's filthy lesson
falls upon deaf ears

David Bowie

What's the name of this?

I'm spending my dreams searching for a metaphor for pleasure and guilt.

You feel disgusted because you like the way I see you,the way I capture you,and you come back everytime because in the loneliness of your pleasure the way we die together keeps coming just before you end.

(Fleshy craving)

Mesmerized by an intention of decay, of crude matter, of salty flesh,of the way your skin feels against my breath.

your guilty nakedeness binds us,my eyes touch you and you can FINALLY BE YOURSELF.

A wave of desire unleashes as the door closes and the world remains outside.

Nothing will be learned,nothing will be better, it's just that exchange of NOTHING that makes us meet again.

What's the name of this?

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